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Johnson Eningowuk is 74 years old with a lifetime of experience, he has lived in Shishmaref for most of his life and has grown and raised his family there. For Johnson subsistence living and maintaining his culture has been an integral part of who he is. Johnson attended university to become a high school history teacher, his passion stems in educating.  In his own life he has established a strong connection with subsistence living and has devoted his time teaching his children and others how to implement and nurture this lifestyle. Johnson always has valued the process of educating young people to harvest what you need and to avoid over harvesting so that the ecosystems and resources can flourish for generations to come. However, Johnson has grown up and lived in Shishmaref and is seeing the damage climate change is having on his homeland. Conditions have become so poor and dangerous that the community has come close to relocating. Johnson is involved on the village council and is excited to make impactful changes with the TAC.

Johnson Eningowuk

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